Happy New Year for 2019

As we joyfully ring in 2019, I wish everyone a Happy New Year! Whether you are a long-time reader of my blog or you’ve just discovered it, I extend my warmest greetings to you all.

The coming year is likely to bring its own unique set of challenges and opportunities. One of my key aspirations is to deliver new and exciting touring experiences across the vibrant state of Victoria for our fellow adventurers.

Currently, I am working diligently on developing a fresh array of tours. These tours, distinct from our previous offerings, are designed to allow you to delve deeper into Victoria’s diverse landscapes and experiences. We plan to widen our reach, covering more areas of Victoria and partnering with other Ecotourism Certified operators to provide you with a comprehensive nature and sightseeing experience.

Being an Ecotourism Australia Certified business significantly distinguishes us from the usual tour operators. Our commitment to honesty and transparency is validated by our regular audits, ensuring we live up to our promises. Moreover, these audits ensure we are appropriately licensed and insured for our operations.

Last November, I underwent one such audit, which was overwhelmingly positive. The auditor’s summary stated, “This is a small, one-person business which, in my opinion, operates in perfect conformity with ECO-certified Ecotourism criteria. All relevant plans, policies, and procedures are in place, detailed, and up to date. Moreover, carbon emissions are identified, measured, and offset, making the business close to carbon neutral.”

In essence, our commitment to sustainability is a promise and a practice that we rigorously uphold. This aspect of our operation allows us to give back to the beautiful environment we explore, ensuring that it remains pristine for future generations.

Until next time, I remain at your service. Here’s to a year of new journeys, unforgettable experiences, and shared adventures across Victoria.


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